Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Our friends in Fiji

Isabella and Everett have made many friends on Denarau.  Paulini is at the restaurant every morning but Mondays- her day off.  The Fijian work week is six days per week.  We invited Paulini to spend her day off with us- she swam and played with kids all day! I don't know who had more fun- Paulini, the kids... or me!?!? 

Isabella has done a lot of artwork in Fiji.  Her latest media of choice is watercolor.  Every piece that she has produced, she has signed and given as gifts to the Fijian people that she has met here.

 Venezaria and Mariama (please forgive my spelling) with Isabella.  Isabella gave Venezaria a picture, and she took it home and hung it up, and told her own daughter about Isabella.  We got to meet Mariama who is 7 years old and is in Class 2.  We went to see Venezaria play in the Golden Oldies National Netball Tournament at Denerau Golf and Racquet Club.  More of the team members are pictured below with Everett.

We did not last long at the tournament... it was VERY hot!  We had to go in to the pro shop to cool down!
Photo taken by TEP

Photo taken by TEP

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

First Tennis Lesson

Isabella and Everett had the first tennis lesson on October 25th at the Denarau Golf and Racquet Club  Their tennis instructor, Rupenny is amazing and the kids love him!  After they have their turn hitting balls with Rupenny, they get to pick a coconut tree as a prize.  Rupenny counts in Fijian so the kids can practice their numbers.

Diwali October 25, 2011

A beautiful Diwali sunset at Moo Moo Restaurant at the Westin.  The Diwali Holiday, the Hindu "Festival of Lights" is a national holiday in Fiji and is celebrated by the Indo-Fijians.  We were invited to Angelina's house in Lautoka to partake in some of the festivities...which include a lot of eating!  Angelina lives with her mother and father in a house that they built (I mean physically built- her mother was the "foreman" on the project).  She had prepared all types of Indian sweets, as well as soup and some Indian dishes.  Angelina had made certain that none of the foods contained nuts or mangoes for Isabella and Everett- the kids were treated like royalty.  Their house did not have aircon (air conditioning) so I had warned Tom that I would have to give the signal when I was about to pass out- we were all wearing our festive Diwali attire.

After A L L of the eating... everyone has there house decorated with lights (as we do during Christmas holiday) and sets off fireworks.  Not the kind of fireworks that we are able to buy for the Forth of July, but Disneyland Fireworks!  So of course, Tom went crazy.  We had bags and bags of all kinds of dangerous firing and exploding paraphernalia.  They were big and loud and out of control.  Everett and Tom were in heaven!  We set up our firework show on the beach.  Fortunately, there were no fires (like there was the one year that Tom had his firework demonstration at Nonnie and Poppi's on the golf course...) but Tom did manage to allow one firework to tip over and shoot up the beach right in front of the kids and myself toward another couple.  After that explosion, Isabella and I were ready to go- Everett, on the other hand, was ready to start lighting twigs and branches on fire.  Great...
Isabella and Everett were very excited to pick out their Diwali wear.  Everett got hot and had to take of the shirt (it is only made in long sleeve), but still wore the fancy vest.  Isabella stayed in full costume all afternoon and evening- including her Fancy Bindi.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wananavu Weekend

Wananavu is about 2 and 1/4 hours North of Nadi Airport.  We spent the weekend there during our house hunting trip.  We stayed in two Bures (Isabella called them "Cottages") that were side by side with incredible ocean views.

Fijian music is a major part of the Fijian culture.  Isabella and Everett enjoy "music appreciation" everyday...

Most everyone in Fiji speaks English, but we are working on our Fijian... 
Hello                    Bula       (Boo-lah)
Good Morning     Yadra     (Yan-dra)
Good Bye             Moce     (Moe-they)
Thank you            Vinaka   (Vee-na-ka)

Of course, one of our favorite past times is finding coconuts and having Dad cut them open so we can eat the coconut meat and drink the coconut milk.  Dad purchased a machete (actually two...) so he can cut open the coconuts like a true Fijian!

We pick up bread from the restaurant at the resort so we can feed the fish.

Another beautiful weekend in Fiji- and it was back to Denarau Island on Sunday night.  Tom left for work early on Monday morning, and as Everett got his day started, he looked at me and said, "It feels good to be back at the Radisson."  I guess he appreciates modern conveniences (like central air conditioning) like his mom. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fiji Boy

Everett was the first one to get sick in Fiji...  We spent the weekend on a house hunting trip in Wananavu.  As we drove up on Friday, we had to pull over so Everett could get sick (I thought he was car sick from the VERY bumpy road)- thank goodness he told me!  (Note to self- put paper towels and wipes in car)  After lunch he got sick again.  As the day progressed, he continued to throw up more frequently, but he was always in good spirits.  Mom and Ev spent the evening in the Bure, as Isabella and Dad had a relaxing dinner together in the restaurant.  Dad was kind enough to send Mom dinner and a botttle of wine.  Mom and Everett got very little sleep Friday night, but eveything was back to normal on Saturday.  What a trooper...

On Thursday, October 13th Isabella and Everett had their first golf lesson.  Some Kiwi friends, Emma and Katie joined us at the Denarau Golf and Raquet Club for the lesson which was taught by Billy.

Our lesson was scheduled for 8am, which I soon found out was not early enough to beat the heat!  Our second lesson is scheduled for 7am.  Any earlier than that, and we may have to give up outdoor sports...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sunday, October 2, 2011

There was a lot swimming this weekend!  Lots of time was spent on the beach.  There was a beautiful sunset on Friday...

On Sunday, we drove down to the Coral Coast.  We visited The Outrigger Resort, where we had lunch. 

We decided that it wasn't the best beach for the kids to get snorkeling time due to the amount of sharp coral.  So we drove back up the Queens Road to the Inter-Continental Hotel.  A gorgeous property with beautiful beaches!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The view from our room in Denarau, Fiji. Friday, September 30, 2011.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I do NOT travel light...  So with our ten suitcases, four carry-ons, three backpacks, one computer bag, one handbag, two car seats AND one double stroller; we set off for FIJI from San Luis Obispo, CA.  And believe it or not, all "that stuff" arrived in Nadi!  Tom had a car waiting at the airport- so we loaded that full with bags, PLUS a taxi station wagon to shuttle us (and our stuff) to the hotel in Denarau. 
We needed two luggage carts at the hotel, and since our room wasn't ready upon our arrival at 7am, we headed down to breakfast.  It was wonderful to be back at the amazing buffet where we were greeted by the hostess who looked at us (and specifically the kids) with a puzzled look on her face, "Bula! ummm?"  I explained that we had been to the hotel before... and with that Paulini picked up Everett and covered him with hugs and kisses, then did the same with Bella, and showed us to our table (in the air conditioned section of the restaurant- clearly we ARE Americans!).
As we ate our breakfast, one of the guys that worked at the restaurant came over to sweep the floor where Ev had dropped the yoke of a boiled egg, and stated "You just checked in... you have two luggage carts of suitcases..."  I tried to justify this large amount of personal items with the length of our stay.  This young Fijian man seemed to be amazed that we could possibly have so much "stuff."  I looked at Tom, who just smiled.  I guess the hotel staff now knows, I have A LOT of baggage!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

At The Airport

Tom reports that they haven't even left LAX yet, and Ev is already prepared for island life!

Today is THE day!!

Tom, Anna, Bella and Ev are counting down the hours to departure time now, no doubt doing last minute packing and planning. Follow this blog to get updates, pictures, and stories as this adventure unfolds! Bon Voyage!! Fiji awaits...